Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Will the Sun shine?

Sports Day! - another edition of themed Tuesday =) Some of us had to take the photo again 'cos only half our faces were shown in the original pic. Next week's theme - BLUE! Although judging from this week's picture, most of us are already in blue. :X

Labels. Labels. Labels.
Okay, not really talking about designer labels here.. but just 'labels' that people give each other. For those studying 201, is this slightly familiar? But don't worry, I wasn't inspired by that.

It's just that, I'm kind of affected by certain situations recently (happening to me, and others as well). Why are people so affected by labels? Well, of course, we only react when there's truth in it. But we also react if it is exaggerated, untrue - and when we are not given a chance to explain ourselves.

I'm sure most of us have been labeled in one way or another - some positive (we enjoy), some negative (we get hurt). Which brings me to my point that I want to make - I guess we shouldn't judge someone so quickly. But c'mon, you might say, every one makes that mistake of stereotyping sometimes (I admit I do), but is it nice/appropriate to label a negative?

(Inserts self-reflective pause. For me, too)

To sum up, I refer to a friend who mentioned about being quite affected by 'labeling' sometimes, and this was what I said, "At the end of the day, you only have yourself to answer to." Stay true to yourself. Believe in your friends. That's all I can say.

Not really emo-ing k! Just had some things to get off the chest. Sometimes if we can't really communicate it, your own personal blog is probably the best way to express yourself. SMILE! Please don't feel emo or anything. Not intended, anyway =D

Hmmm, labeling. Brings me to this video that a friend recommended I check-out.
Will you / Have you already labeled her?


("That's a Singaporean. That's a pastor's wife. That's a woman. That's a child's mother.")
That's singer Sun Ho.

I know, some of you all are shocked. That was my first reaction. That's her first single to be released off her debut English album to be out in the States soon.

I don't particularly fancy her or anything, but I really do like one of her songs:

Alright. Shall stop here!

Take care, people!

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