Sunday, September 14, 2008

Birthdays + 中秋

September babies: My grandma. Jiamin. Eugene. Colin. Baoyuan. Bernard. My dad. My neighbour..

..and the list goes on!

My previous post was my grandma's birthday. I shall start off this post with my ORD-ed army buddies' birthdays.

Colin & Bernard's
Celebrated at Spaggedies @ Marina Square. ALL of them ORD liao. Either working or studying. Soon, it'll be my turn. *Glances at ORD clock* It's coming!!!!!

Sorry, everytime I think about ORD I get carried away. It's just that recently, it's been really, really, really busy in camp. A lot of my campmates say: "Aiya, Wilson, ORD liao lah. Don't have to care about so many things."

But there's still endless work to do. And irritating stuff are beginning to happen on a regular basis, which just makes me happy I'm leaving that place soon =x

Anyway, the guys (above) seem to be enjoying whatever they're doing. Especially Colin, who was telling us an interesting (horror) story about a girl that stalked him; and jiayi's got a gf, junming still not showing us his, yongqin's got a job...

Makes me tensed a little, cos I've got a lot to catch up on after I ORD!

中秋节 and Dad's birthday
NUMBER ONE Proof that you've really been too busy: Forgetting your dad's birthday =X

I'm not proud of it! Argh. I opened the fridge in the morning and asked my mom: "Eh? Why got cake?" Then, my mom and aunties and uncles started scolding me.

Of course, in the end I paid for the meal that day (it was a family pot-luck thing). We celebrated 中秋节 too. Here are some nice photos!!

Russell rocks! (and my digicam, too)

'O'... 'D'.. 'O'..'R'..'D'.. ORD!!

This pic is quite scary. Where's her left arm!?

The mini S.H.E.

Random cute photo of Ashley.

Who.... lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGE-BOB SQUARE-PANTS!!

Dad's cake. He's 50.

Okay, that's all for birthdays. Now for something I bought.

Tanya Chua's latest called My Space. Not to be confused with the social-networking site.

It's a beautiful, personal and pleasant collection of her songs - all in unplugged version. Great listening for those who enjoy acoustic-guitar-pluck-and-sing-a-longs.

Tomorrow's battery cohesion day @ Changi Village seaview resort. Don't know how it'll turn out. Just hope I can play mahjong =x

Take care, peeps!

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