Sunday, March 8, 2009

Watch Out

For fans of comic books, i'm sure you've heard of the latest superhero movie in town. But have you heard about how it's such a massive disappointment?

(Mc***** I hope that gives you a heads up as to what my review is going to turn out to be like. Just fyi, I've formed the opinion of this movie on Friday night, right after it ended.)

Anyway, yeah, it doesn't take an idiot to guess that the movie I'm talking about is the stupendously-anticipated (for most guys, including me) "mother of all superhero movies" - Watchmen. And it also doesn't take a fool to guess that I didn't really like it.

I give the movie:

Besides faulting it for being too long (even though huge chunks of the comic book were edited for film), this just brings me to the point that rings oh so true - Watchmen is unfilmable.

Those were actually the exact words that came out the mouth of the classic comic book's revered writer, Alan Moore. Some things, I feel, should be left in its original source material. And Watchmen should be one of them.

Translating a story of emotionally-distraught masked vigilantes onto live-action on screen is a trying task. Even though the competent cast does their best to portray the conflicting emotions of the characters caught in 70's America in a pending nuclear war with Russia, the gaudiness of it all being displayed in real-life is almost too much to stomach.

While the trailer did seem cool (actually, it was with the help of music), witnessing in full-length the slightly-pudgy Nite Owl land on the ground, cape flailing and all, was too cheesy to be taken seriously. And talking about Nite Owl, his rendesvouz with Silk Spectre came across as laughable, instead of steamy.

There are just too many complains that I have for this film, which in the first place, should be left in its brilliant form as a graphic novel. While last year's loose movie adaptation of another classic, Wanted, was very well-received, the film Watchmen had exactly duplicated its source material, which basically made us question, What's the point?

Bleah, what a let-down. Maybe it's because the original graphic novel was simply too good (and deep), any other version of it would seem like a tarnish to its highly-respected reputation.

[ Included after reading Mc*****'s review ] - for a different take on Watchmen the movie, please visit here.

Went to visit Syad to pay our respects at the Muslim cemetry today with some of the 2002 corneteers - namely Jiemin, Shi min, Hazuan, Yusri and Adrian. It's really heartbreaking and painfully ironic that it takes such a sad and unfortunate event like this for us to come together for a cornets gathering.

Will plan a gathering in May (since my batch most of the people are May babies).

Meanwhile, take care, peeps.

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