Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What Took Me So Long?!

( insert title ) Always wanted to start a blog since Blogger became Hot. But guess I was too busy. Anyhow, here I am, with a blogname I think describes my attitude at best.
I was thinking how I should begin this - ahem - 'virgin' post, then I thought, what the heck, let's do a Q&A-style. Here's the lame-ass first entry. Enjoy :) hee.
The interviewer speaks in Courier; and I reply in Italics.
Hi Wilson.
Tell us more about the blogname. Why wilsoniscurious?
I'm glad you're curious. (laughs) I'm at an age where life presents a lot of possibilities. I'm quite excited about University; about contributing to the society; about discovering new things.
Whoa, quite philosophical. So what are you doing now?
Typing my blog.
(rolls eyes) As in, what are you doing in your life now.
Oh. (laughs) I'm currently serving the nation in the army. OOC-ed.
Can you kindly explain to the girls not serving NS what you mean?
I'm Out Of Course from SISPEC. Due to medical reasons. Just doing sai-gang lor. Waiting to be posted out. Very sian actually. Anyway, FYI, there are girls serving in Foxtrot company in SISPEC, you know. Caused quite a stir-up among the guys. Whoa, I tell you -
We are digressing. You can speak to your NS buddies about this. So, moving on, what will this blog be about? Will you be criticising people? Reporting daily news? Weather forecast?
Er, no no. Nothing political. I'll just be talking about army life. Nothing much I can talk about now. And what I do during the weekends, which is my only free time. So sad right? :(
Awww. (rolls eyes)
Anyway, so what do you do during the weekends?
Go out with friends lor. I enjoy watching movies. (96360926 - sms me if you want to go out for a movie) Actually, I'm thinking of starting this occasional review page whereby I give my comments on recently watched movies. Kind of a movie buff. Would like to review music also. I listen to almost any kind of music. English, Mandarin, Canto, Band pieces ... bla bla.
Heard you've just moved house. How is it?
Chey. I think everyone knows that lor. I like to invite my friends over during weekends also.
Do what?
M&M. Movie and Mahjong.
You are quite lame.
Sometimes, it's MMS. Movie, Mahjong, Stayover. (96360926 - sms me for MMS)
Okay, stop. You are really lame.
Thank you. I'm part of this clique called LaMeRz, InC. They are my close friends from secondary school. We used to spend our time going cycling and crapping about anything we can crap about. My JC clique (TRP) also likes to crap a lot. But we're a more subdued bunch. We prefer to think we are more matured.
That's.. er.. nice. Thank you for your time. Enjoy your blogging experience.
Huh? That's all ah? I'm not finished yet lor. I also like to write short stories during my freetime. I also enjoy good food. And sleeping. And swimming. And sleeping. And.. and..
Okay, fine. I need to book-in anyway. With my rifle and my buddy and me-e-e
Shut up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wat an interesting entry =)